by Skirmantas Sukackas on November 06, 2022
In a world of intense training and competition, it's easy to overlook the need for proper, regular recovery. Running consistently at high intensity can lead to overtraining and runner's burnout, which can lead to all sorts of problems from lowered performance to injury. There is hope, though! Here are 5 basic, yet essential running recovery tips to help you recover each day.
  • Refuel. Every day we witness,,DIET WARS” on social media. We are not going to get into this today. However, science shows no better fuel for performance than carbs. Carbs are stored in the liver in the form of glycogen. Studies show that humans start depleting glycogen around 45 mins into the run. Study shows that around 40% of marathon times are limited because of glycogen depletion. Common sense suggests that replenishing carbs is crucial to proper recovery. Not only is it essential to help get your energy sources back up, but high-carb meal after work aids muscle repair.
  • Rehydrate. We have a great post about training in the heat that briefly talks about hydration. Located here in Dubai hydration is  Important to understand that having H2O is not going to cut it. During the marathon distance, runners will lose 2 to 2.5 liters of fluids. We lose sodium and other microelements with our sweat, so it is essential to continue having electrolyte drinks during the day after the race/hard workout. 
  • Protein. Get your protein in, Bro! Running is a high-impact sport, and it’s essential to have healthy muscular and skeletal systems. Don’t let Your muscles break down. Include protein to your meals or have protein shake. 
  • Sleep. There is no better way to recover than sleep. Most muscle repair and recovery occurs during sleep, so without it, you will not reach your fullest potential as a runner. We will not pretend that we know all the science behind sleep, because we don’t. The basic tip from our end is to aim 7.5h-8h of sleep daily. You can thank us later. Listen to this podcast if you want to geek out about sleep. We love it!
  • Stretching and foam rolling. So much debate about this in recent years. TO STRETCH OR NOT TO STRETCH. We will go with TO STRETCH, but after the run. We all heard runners say ,,I’m so tight in my legs”. Stretching increases blood flow, and blood flow aids muscle recovery. Also, stretching might help with range of motion. A limited range of motion Is often linked to injuries.
Other tips:
Make sure You get Your days off.
Easy runs are supposed to be easy. 
Incorporate Strength training
Occasional visit to sports therapist to help You with recovery.
Not tested properly but many like recovery guns and boots. Science is simple – increase blood flow to help with recovery. We say-get it if you can afford it. 
Hire a coach. A good coach will help with a training plan, but also will make sure You’re recovered well before taking the next step in Your training.  
Keep on running!
Runners Tribe